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Livre de Kayak : Rodeo Boating

Livre de Kayak : Rodeo Boating
10,00 €
Vendu et expédié par : France Loisirs 3000 (Brest)
Frais de port (Hors corse) : Forfait unique de 5 €
Achat s�curis�
Garantie : 2 ans  Garantie - Pas de date d'arrivage

Livre de Kayak : Rodeo Boating

Rodeo Boating - Hot Moves With Olli Grau

Livre en anglais.

As you have bought this book, i guess you want to learn something. Just follow this step by step advice and you will have maximum fun plus maximum learning progress.
Rodeo Boating - Hot Moves With Olli Grau Livre en anglais. As you have bought this book, i guess you want to learn something. Just follow this step by step advice and you will have maximum fun plus maximum learning progress. Free yourself form all social restraints and negative influcences. In other words : Break up with girl/boyfriend. Quit your job and your house. Buy an old Volskwagen van. Place an ad in your paddling magazine and search for matching partners. Chosse mates with good vibes. Make the river your home and follow the supper. Develop international relations (sleeping places).

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